Seed Growing and Plant Care Guidelines
1. Using peat pellets, place them in a container and add warm water to the container. As the pellets absorb the warm water their volumes will expand to about 1.5 inches tall.
2. Open the netting on top of the expanded peat pellet and with a pencil poke 4-5 shallow holes in the top.
3. Sow 1 seed per hole, cover lightly with loosened peat, and place pellet in seed flat growing container.
4. Place the clear dome top on top of flat container and store in a warm location [(between 70-85(˚F)]
5. Keep seeds moist until they germinate.
6. As seeds start to sprout, open the clear dome to vent air to prevent heat build-up.
7. Place flat in a sunny location and rotate pellets daily to help the seedlings to grow straight.
8. Water flat when pellets turn light brown.
9. To transplant, enrich the soil in growing area (directly in the ground or in planters) generously with compost
10. Dig holes deep enough to just cover the top of the pellet.
11. Gently firm soil around pellet and water.
12. Place pots in a sunny location or grow directly in the ground in full sun.
13. Water plants well through maturity and allow surface to dry between waterings.